Another cliché: saying goodbye to September.

Monday, September 28, 2015

The transition to October is a thing that scares me. Every. Single. Year.

Why? I'm still not entirely sure. I always get excited when April is around the corner, and terrified when the lasting days of September get fewer and fewer.

Even now, during this entirely new part of my life, I get scared of October and the months that come after it. The positive thing about it though: April is only 6 months away. I'm pretty sure I can survive those 6 months. After all, I have no idea what's coming for me, but this time, I do have a goal ahead of me.

My intention is not to sound like some crazy hippie (although they are really cool), but I didn't realize how small my world was all these years. Since June, my life has taken such a drastic turn, and it feels like there's experiences worth years in just those few months.

I'm happy with how my life is unfolding, and I want it to keep unfolding like that for the rest of my life.

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