
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

When is enough enough? Where is the fine line? How does one define balance?

Routine isn't for me, and it never was. To some I'm "adaptable", to others I'm "untrustworthy". Who do you believe? Does it even matter how someone else sees you? I think it does, but it's up to you to define who the someones are that you want to listen to. The someones that matter to you. The someones that you want to be there for. The someones that want to be there for you.

And most of all, listen to yourself. Listen to what you have to say about you. Look at the people that inspire you. Look at the traits and qualities you like in them. Do you possess these? Do you want to possess these? Then work hard to become just like those that inspire you. Who knows, one day you might even become an inspiration.

Some days, it feels like everything is passing me by. Like I have no control over the days that pass and all the events that unfold. I think those are the moments to take a step back, take in what's happening, breath, and make things better.

I just want to escape sometimes. But I don't need to, it's all going to be okay.

Don't forget to take in the now. It's only here for a moment.

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