
Tuesday, September 08, 2015

It's Tuesday! Which means it's time for another blogpost.

I'm quite a bit braindead today, which has to do with the fact that University started again. Even if it's only the second day, I'm super happy and excited to be back. It feels different this year, I feel different. In the second year of Uni there were a lot of times were I held back and was afraid to voice my opinion, but I've noticed over Summer and over just these two days of getting back together with a team, working on projects, that I've become an incredible amount more honest and open, even admitting that sometimes I just don't know the answer or how to feel about something.

Other than being back at Uni, I've adapted to a much more active lifestyle. I could almost say I've developed a weekly routine! This is something I've actually never had, but I'm really enjoying it!

Looking back on 2015, it sometimes feels as if the first half of the year was kind of like a time bubble, where nothing happened and everything stood still. I can even see it when I go through photo's of 2015, or when I open my memory jar and go through all the mementos. There is close to nothing "documented" of the months January through May. It's an odd feeling, as if I've lost or forgotten a part of myself over that period of time.

Slowly but steadily, I'm starting to become me again. And I think I can honestly say, I like me. :)

I'd like to close off for today with a totally unrelated but highly addictive song.

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

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