Once again, thankful for the experiences.

Friday, October 02, 2015

It's Friday, I had a horrible migraine last night and I'm chilling out on my sofa right now. I'm supposed to be in Uni right now, working on our project. But I'm at home. And I consciously made that decision to be home today.

So why am I thankful? For the last two days, I volunteered at a games & media conference here in the Netherlands. The experience was amazing, I met new people, reconnected with old friends and saw some extremely interesting talks and presentations. Yes, I am super tired right now. Yes, I feel guilty for not being with my teammates in Uni right now. But I learned so much these last two days, and it honestly was an experience I will not forget.

Right now, I'm really looking forward to Sunday. Some of my classmates and some of my best friends are going to run the 10K here in town, and I'm planning to make bananabread as a surprise for their hard earned victory! (Hope I didn't ruin the surprise, there.)

So, today is me-day. Me-day without feeling guilty for it (this is hard).

Below are some photos I made over the last days. Again, it was amazing, it was hard work, it was fun. It was incredible. More of these days, please. :)



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