Warmth. Both the literal and figurative way.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It's 9pm on a Tuesday, I should be working but my mind kept wandering off!

The past weekend was strange. I'm still adjusting to the crazy changes my life made this year, and sometimes it feels like I need to catch up with myself.

I spent my Saturday just focussing entirely on myself, six months ago I would've felt worthless or even guilty for doing this. This time? I felt good about it. Not just like that though, it took a few hours to convince myself that it was okay; it IS okay to focus on yourself, you don't always have to put everyone else above yourself.

The influence of your mindset on your life, on your actual reality: it's both terrifying and amazing. Every day, I'm fighting to turn negative experiences and negative thoughts into positive ones. It's not always easy, but it is so worth it.

Handling negative experiences, or the aftermath of a negative experience: it is all within your own power how you deal with it or feel about it. It is all your own choice.

I'm ending this blog today with an incredibly cheesy quote, but one I decide to live by starting today. Take risks, succeed or fail, you'll learn from it anyway.

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