Turn smaller things into bigger things.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Why are you so afraid to get out of your comfort zone? Take that step, it's not so scary. I promise! 

Do that scary thing you always wanted to do.
Read that book you always wanted to read.

Talk to that person you've always wanted to talk to!

We're all here. We all make mistakes. There's nothing wrong with that. There's also nothing wrong with pointing out peoples mistakes. If we follow up on the consequences and make sure we don't make that mistake again, there is no fault. None at all. Allow for growth, and don't hold a grudge to those that fucked up once.

Every day, I realise a little more how much the small things matter. The kind words from a friend, the simple thank you from a stranger, the friends that don't mind listening to your ramblings. Not just that, also the 10 minute breathers, or the moments of closing your eyes and forgetting the world for just that small portion of the day.

This summer, I've taken giant risks that absolutely frightened me. I've never lived on such a tight budget. I've never lived as basic as I am living now. And yet, I have never felt more free, while feeling so responsible. Every decision that I make, is a more conscious one. Every decision that I make, has reasoning behind it. I'm actively thinking about every little step that I take, and it's a great feeling.

I'm giving you a challenge: go and do a small thing that terrifies you. You'll notice that if you manage, the next bigger challenge will seem like a smaller one.

If it turns out to be awkward, let it be awkward. It might grow into something beautiful. Talk to a stranger. If they like you, awesome! Like them back, and make it something great. If it doesn't turn out to be, who cares? You've tried. What have you got to lose? 

You've taken risks before, and you made it. You've made it through, every time.

Don't get rusty.



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