A photoshoot and a cat on the run.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Yesterday was such an insanely busy day, so I'm making up for that by blogging today! Wednesday: Words from the Heart it is.

First: excitement! I did a photoshoot! It was an amazing amount of fun, and of course it started out with me feeling super awkward. But hey, I did it. It was fantastic, and the photos are gorgeous. Still feels weird to say that about photos of yourself, but honestly, I love how I look in these photos!

My friend did an incredible job at guiding me through it and making me feel confident and comfortable, which she instantly denies having any part in since according to her, "it was all me". I know you're reading this, and both you and I know it was not just me, you helped me a great amount!

Here's the results so far. We went through about five different outfits and 500 photos, but as with any creative job, the importance is to kill your darlings. I'm incredibly happy with how these two photos turned out.

Last Sunday, my cat Rosa decided to run away and scare the shit out of me. I felt like such a fuckup, and got stuck in this loop of feeling guilty. In the end I was up until about 1 AM looking for her, set my alarm at 4 and 6 AM to look for her some more. Looked for her some more the following day. Couldn't find her. Turns out the little shit hid in the exact same spot for the entire night. My friends and family were so incredibly helpful, all helping in any possible way they could. People shared the Facebook post I made, friends came over and helped me look for her, some of my friends went out to hang up flyers throughout town for me. In the end it took four of us to catch her. Honestly, I could not have caught her if I was alone. I'm incredibly grateful, and thrilled to have her back with me again.

I'm convincing myself everyday that I'm doing a good job in life, and doing a good job in general. Sometimes I need to convince myself that I'm happy and feeling well, and I know for a fact that really am. Some days are up and some days are down, but the trick is to not let those days where things look down take up the majority of how you're feeling.

Thank you for reading, whoever you are.



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