It's like therapy!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

After about 1,5 years, I finally got a PC that can manage running Adobe Premiere and doesn't require me to render for thirty minutes whatever I'm editing every five minutes. So, I've decided to start making little compilation videos of the roadtrip I did through Scotland in 2014.

...there is about 200 gigs of footage.

Every Sunday for the past three weeks I've been doing some sorting and deciding what kind of compilations I'd like to make. Today I finished the first compilation! And as the title says, it's like therapy. For a long time I struggled with giving myself 'me-time' or allowing myself to relax and do nothing. Due to my old pc being a wreck, it only caused me to stress out even more when I worked on editing (in pretty much any type of software, it wouldn't even run Photoshop!). So that lovely day, three weeks ago, when I turned on my new PC (I very fittingly named it The Cheat, in loving memory of sbemail-pc) and started up Adobe Premiere, fond memories returned.

That day, I spent 10 hours on end editing and sorting out footage. I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. My plan is to create around 4 or 5 compilation video of about 1:30 minutes maximum. They're the right length to keep your attention, and it forces me to make a very aware and distinct selection in what footage I would like to show, as I am a fond believer of less is more!

Of course I'm going to close off todays entry with a link to the video. It's such a weird experience to see myself from 1,5 years ago, and how much I've changed not only in my ways but in my appearance as well! Another confirmation of making the right decisions and following the right path. :)

Enjoy the video, and enjoy your Sunday.

Liefs. x

Compilation 1

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