Remind Me

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

With a lot of exciting things coming up ahead, a lot of things that need to be taken care of, and the worries that come with it, I'm kind of forgetting to live in the present.

Even though I'm working on something every day, sometimes it feels a bit like I'm just rushing through these days to get to the next ones as fast as I can. And that's not necessarily bad! I'd rather look ahead instead of looking back. I just need to remind myself that even though I wish it was 5 months into the future, we're not there now. Not yet!

I've settled on destinations where I'd like to go to, I've done the preparations that were needed, now it's a matter of contacting and doing the actual thing. But I find myself scared again. That feeling of "Are you sure you can do this?", "Are you sure this is what you want?", "Do you realise what you're setting yourself up for?". Yes, I do want this! And yes, I know that I can do this. But still, I get scared.

It's a good feeling, a healthy one. One where I know that I'm alive and that I'm challenging myself time and time again.

So, remind me. I'm here now, and I'll get where I'm supposed to be. "There" will be "now" soon enough (although I don't exactly know where there is).

The world is out there and it's waiting.

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