
Friday, January 01, 2016

There it is! January 1st, 2016. For the last two weeks, I was just itching to write this post. Itching to open up my memory jar, and itching to create a new one!

And the funny thing is, now that the day is here, I have no clue what to write about. For this post, I did a little test. I wrote a section before opening the memory jar, and I will write a section after opening up the memory jar. Here goes!

Before Opening

2015 was crazy. I've said it before, 2015 felt like a lifetime in one year. So many things changed, and yet so many things stayed the same. I've become a person where I can completely say I love being that person.

People came into my life, some came and went, and some were already there and remained a part of my life. I feel like I've done a lot of growing up in the last year, more on the level of work/life balance and self love.

After Opening

A lot happened in 2015, and opening up that memory jar made me realise how I've truly made the right decisions by listening to my own instinct. By being myself and not feeling ashamed about it. I've met new people and found new opportunities, by just approaching things being myself.

What I never realised is that being your true self might not open as many doors, but they are quality doors (I sound like a carpenter). It all confirms that less is truly more. Focusing on the work, the life, the habits, and the people you want to be around instead of "just doing", will give you so much more.

So, after opening up the jar I noticed that my mind wasn't playing a trick on me. Between January and April, there was nothing "documented". Neither in my mind, nor in my memory jar. They were a strange couple of months, where every day felt like it stood still.

Breaking away and breaking free from my own self-destructive behaviour remains to be the bravest and best decision I've taken in my life. And that little gap in those two months, make a lot of feelings I'm currently having very clear. I needed something to hang on to, and now I've learned that that something is myself.

I'm incredibly thankful for being where I am now. For the people that came into my life, for the people that stayed in my life, and for the ones that came and went. I wouldn't be where I am without the love and support you gave me.

Here's to a new year, full of new and wonderful experiences!

Liefs. x

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