I Forgot But I Remember.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

I forgot how capable I am of being alone. I forgot how much I love solitude. I forgot how much I love simplicity.

With a, *gasp*, steady four and a half months of no relationship, I'm slowly finding out what type of person I was before all of this. It's a weird experience when you pick up on traits in yourself that you haven't seen in close to ten years.

I forgot that I just like people. I genuinely like people and I like hearing about their day, about their lives, about the things they've been through.

I forgot that I like helping people. For no reason other than seeing their growth, their gratefulness and their happiness.

I dislike being used, I dislike people being rude and mean.

I love honesty. I love people being genuine.

I've done stupid things myself and stupid things have been done to me, but that doesn't mean I'll turn into a bitter spiteful person. I'm not going to close myself off in just "wanting to be safe" or preventing myself from making mistakes.

The difference between being genuinely kind and being a pushover is immense, yet from the outside it might seem like the exact same thing.

Kindness is something that should be on the top of your list. I'm not one to give up, not on goals, not on people, and not on things that are lost.

Kindness is something that goes without saying, and I hereby challenge you to perform an act of kindness at least once everyday! Tell someone they look nice, tell someone they did a good job in their work, get someone you like a coffee, help a friend in need, or just hug someone!

I forgot that I am not a pushover.

I forgot, but I remember now!


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