Thursday Madness

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Honestly, I don't even know what to write about tonight. The fact is that I do know I want to write. There's this feeling of needing to get things off my chest, to regain my focus, and to look ahead.

My brain has been oddly fond of getting stuck in past memories for the last 2 weeks. I'm not sure why, and it's annoying me. Normally, I tend to have a good sense of control over my thoughts, or at least control over shifting my thoughts to things that matter. It's not that I'm not functioning properly or anything, I still keep to my routine and I'm still productive throughout the days.

Today was crazy, time went by so fast I didn't even think of food until noon (normally food is on my mind at all times). We managed to get a lot of things done, though this stupid feeling of things not being good enough, or not done quick enough creeps up on me again. Sometimes I feel a bit... incapable?

The trick to it, is to stop comparing myself to others. Comparing yourself can be very good sometimes, to get a sense of where you are, and if you're taking the right approach to situations around you. When you find that you're comparing yourself too much on the other hand, will shift the focus of your own goals.

To finish up, I've got some really fun things planned ahead for the blog. A little project I've been working on in my free time, and an idea for a new years post. They're both actually very personal things, and admittedly I'm kind of nervous about posting them. Regardless, I think it will be good. Good for myself in terms of self-growth, and good for others to gain a sense that they might not be the only ones (I'll open up about what I mean specifically when I get to the actual post).

Today, this blog reached 400 views. That's 400 views in 2 months. I'm not sure who you are, but I'm very grateful to the people taking the time to read these random ramblings of mine.

Well, for someone who didn't know what to write, it became quite a thing.

Thank you once again!



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