Stress Level: Don't Panic

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

At the end of last week, I had a horrible stomach flu; which meant I spent around 3 days being alone in my room.

Being alone is both a curse and a blessing for me. I get way too caught up in my head after spending too much time alone. Negativity takes over, thoughts take over, and before you know it I've spent hours in bed doing absolutely nothing; turning into a negative thought loop of "oh god I suck" + "I've done nothing to improve" = "boohoo!".

I'm so grateful that going to therapy last year has taught me how to deal with this stuff. I've learned to realise that thoughts are just thoughts. I know that those thoughts are not me. Those thoughts are remnants of a past me. The scary thing is that these thoughts can inflict your future you to a great extent.

Then suddenly, after sending out a dozen internship applications - I received my first reply! My initial reaction was "ALREADY?" followed by "HOW DOES BREATHING WORK AGAIN?" followed by strolling up and down the hallway for 30 minutes because I was so filled with excitement. Things are getting real! The e-mail was positive, I was given an assignment which I have a week for (I have 2 days left). Things are going very well so far and I've received only positive feedback on what I've been working on. Good times all round! (Also, no pressure at all. Ha.)

Tomorrow is the deadline for our school project, Friday is the deadline for my personal objectives this block and next Monday is my panel exam. Next Wednesday is Industry Day at University where I hopefully get to talk to a few people from companies (including the one I'm currently doing the assignment for). There are a lot of exciting and amazing things coming up that I'm looking very much forward to. The lazy part of me has to admit that she cannot wait to binge watch Firefly next weekend and go to Scotland for 8 days the following weekend.

Closing off with a little mantra that I can definitely relate to:

"Good things come to those who wait
But I ain’t in a patient phase"
(Thanks Marina & The Diamonds)

Have a great week, everyone!


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