Five steps ahead.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Again, my brain is taking five steps ahead. I find myself worrying over things that aren't even anywhere NEAR being present. I started writing about an hour ago, where I blabbered on about how things aren't going how I would want them to. And then I did something very simple: I made a pro's and cons list of the current stage of my life.

Guess what? There was one con. It proves again how utterly silly your mind can be sometimes. There is no reason to worry, none at all. Everything will happen in good time. If something doesn't happen right now, it doesn't mean it never will.

So to conclude today's post, the pro's and cons list.


  • I haven't found an internship yet.
  • I roadtripped through Scotland for 9 days.
  • I have an amazing group of friends, who never let me down.
  • I live in a lovely, cosy place with two adorable cats.
  • I am in a relationship with someone who's incredibly sweet, calm and understanding.
  • I am now in two entirely different projects where I can do what I want most: UI design and art.
  • I am receiving a lot of positive feedback on my work and my portfolio.
  • I am being valued for my hard work and my work ethics.
  • I am presenting for a large group of people soon, and I am feeling a good buzz about it!
And above all, despite my brain looping back into its old behaviour sometimes: 

I am happy about myself.

Isle of Skye, 2016

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