It's happening!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Suddenly, 3 months seems like a very short timeframe. I can't disclose any official info yet, but I've found an internship as a UI designer/artist! It's basically everything I've wanted and worked towards. It hasn't really struck me yet, but in just 3 months from now I'll be living in a different country. For a year. A country that I've never even visited.

I'm incredibly excited, motivated, happy, and looking so much forward to it! There's a couple of things I need to take care of beforehand, and I'm going to have to learn to speak a different language (all the challenges!!).

It's funny how life basically has the same structure with each challenge that you face: you're going to hit a massive low or a massive bump. And it's going to stop you for a while. But you'll need that little rest phase and use it to continue into the next challenge.

There's questions popping up, worries popping up; I realise these are all healthy things and they're also necessary for me to realise what's going on all of a sudden.

It's finally happening: a dream that I've had for the last 6 years. The dream is becoming reality.


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