A Different Format

Saturday, May 28, 2016

I've been thinking of several different ways to change up the format of this blog. Having started this little thing last year in August, I can safely say that writing has helped me in feeling incredibly happy in the present. On a personal level, I am very confident and content with myself. Yet on a professional level, I'm not quite there yet.

What I'd like to do from this moment on is make the blog a bi-weekly thing, where I reflect on what has happened and how I'll approach it next time, kind of like a checklist. I'd like to think it'll be less personal and more professional, but it is something I will have to adjust to. Nine out of ten times I don't really consciously think when I'm writing, but I want to make it something that takes actual decision making. Perhaps I'll even add some vlogs!

I am kind of curious; this blog reaches quite some weekly viewers and yet I only hear from a handful. ;) Let me know who you are, and let's share our stories!


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