10 years

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Inspired by my roommate Kayleigh.

I'm writing this letter to myself. Myself from 10 years ago.

Dear Nathalie,

Right now, you're probably sitting in your room. With your purple hair, your band shirt, your studded wristband. You've got your music on loud, you're probably playing Star Wars Galaxies or World of Warcraft. Anything to hide.

Because that's what you want. You don't want to be seen, you want to remain in the shadows, to remain in safety. That's also why you like him so much, why you're always waiting for him. I wish I could tell you right now, that waiting for someone is not how things should be. Any type of relationship, goal, or plan takes more than just one person fighting for it. It requires opposites and it requires balance. I wish I could tell you now, that it'll end up in hurt.

Life is pretty terrible at the time. There are people around you who love you regardless. You're going through a lot. You're not sure where you'll end up, or who you should listen to. You're afraid of being like her, sounding like her, or looking like her. Nathalie, guess what. Sometimes you are like her. Sometimes you do look like her. Sometimes you do sound like her. It's not that weird, is it? Once you accept that this is just part of who you are, your life will be so much calmer.

You might not realise it now, but the reason you like playing games so much is very simple. This virtual universe gives you a chance to run away without being judged for it. Life inside the game is just that much better than the reality you're currently in. I still believe that we've made an okay decision. We might have run away from our problems at the time, but thanks to the friends you met in this virtual universe, you were able to place things. You were able to let go of the things that bothered you so much. Another entirely positive thing is that you found something so interesting, something you felt so connected with, that it became a place where you could express your creativity.

Remember this: you're a creative spirit, always have been and always will be. Don't listen to the people telling you you can't make a living of being creative. Because you can, and you're going to prove them wrong.

I can promise you this: life will get better. Life is actually going to be more fun than the virtual worlds you're exploring!

And with that, you'll learn that you have no reason at all to hide.

In just one year from now, you'll meet someone. You're going to love that someone very much, and you'll think you be with him for the rest of your life. You think that love is something magical that will win time and time again. You'll have five messy years with this person, but it'll teach you so much. It might not be during, or right after, but there will be a day where it will click. It'll all click into place and you're going to realise so many things. Why things worked, why other things never worked. There will be others after him, who will all teach you something else. I know that right now you're thinking that that's wrong, that love is a one-time offer, and that you'll never get it again. But you will. It's scary, and you'll do and say things you never thought you would. You'll end up being hurt, but you'll also end up hurting others. There is no flaw or mistake in that, it happens to all of us, it just means you're growing as a person.

College is only one year away. You can't wait to escape this place and become someone else entirely. You've got it all planned out: what you're going to wear on your first day, what you're going to say, what type of people you're going to meet.

You're going to meet a group of people, who will remain to be the best friends you'll ever have in life. Cherish them, because there will be moments where all they need is you, and moments where all you need is them. I know that right now you feel like you'll never fit in somewhere, and you'll never open up to someone. It's because you're afraid, afraid of showing your scars and all the thoughts that come with them. The people you'll meet though, will accept you, will accept your scars, and your thoughts with them.

It doesn't matter where you come from. Where you come from doesn't define you as a person. Your actions define you, and I can tell you that your actions ten years from now will make both you and those around you very happy.

You're not perfect, you never will be. But you're doing pretty great. All you need to do is open your eyes and see it for yourself.


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