
Monday, November 16, 2015

I'm not a saint, nor am I pretending to be one. I'm not looking for attention, I'm just here to share my thoughts. We all need to take a moment and put things into perspective sometimes.

Just four days ago, I had the worst panic attack I have ever had in my life. It was caused by something trivial; something that frightened me, something very silly. The next day, the news hit about the current circumstances in France, and over the rest of the world.

Even though we've all evolved, changed our lives in different ways, for different reasons, there's still two things humanity cannot get rid of: hatred and fear. Two emotions that are caused by ones own insecurities, unknowns or nightmares. Hatred and fear causes us to do many things, hurtful things. We discriminate each other, we make fun of each other, we even start wars based on fears.

The contrast between that panic attack and the news on the next day made me realise that we can be so very selfish, so inflicted by tunnel vision. It's a dangerous thing, but it's also an easy thing. Unfortunately, it's so very easy to become affected by hate and fear. It's so very easy to complain or become angry over trivial things. It's so very easy to hide behind jokes and a loud mouth. I realised how thankful I should be for waking up in a safe environment every single day. To have a roof over my head, to have food every day.

I've been teaching myself to act more out of love and understanding. To battle hatred and fear with understanding and kindness.

I'd like the world to become more like that: understanding and loving. It all begins with your own actions. Be thankful for the things you have, work for the goals you want, be kind and show compassion to those around you. It's not that hard.

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