Eight Weeks of Adventure

Sunday, October 30, 2016


Ka-pow! The first 8 weeks of my internship have gone by. Flew by, to be honest. I'm feeling pretty good where I am, and with what I'm doing. Despite knowing that I'd move away from home. the furthest I've ever been from the people I love, those first few weeks here were terrifying. It's an incredible sensation to tackle the things that you fear. Going abroad was something I had wanted to do for the last 8 years, and I'm incredibly grateful with when and how things are going.

Now that the first 8 weeks of internship are over, it means I am getting my mid-term assessment next week. I feel nervous, and there will always be this voice of insecurity in the back of my head, but step by step I'm learning to listen to that voice within reason. Up next:

Worry and Let Go

I worry. Over a lot of things. Small things, big things, irrelevant things, silly things, funny things. A lot of things in my head include: what if, how else, but then, if not, wouldn't it - and the list goes on. 

In my job - this is a very good thing. It helps me eliminate possible mistakes and challenges early on in the process. In daily life, not so much. What I find helps a lot is to take a set amount of time, which we'll call 'Get It The Fuck Out Of Your System'-time. 

Write stuff down, Make scribbles. Listen to music. Lay on your floor and stare at the ceiling. Anything to get it out. Decide what is worth hours and what is worth minutes. Decide if it's within or outside of your control. It makes life a lot easier and in the end you'll be a lot happier. 

Long Distance Relationship

Quite honestly - it works. It takes time to adjust to, and it takes a lot of effort to build it to make it last. In my opinion: it is worth it. Every minute of it. 

My lovely Birk came to visit me for a week, and it felt like nothing I have never felt before. Magical would be a keyword. Melancholic would be another one. Fast. Wonderful. Unforgettable. I think that the key to it is to always stay honest, no matter what it is that you're feeling. You'll hear things that fill your heart with joy. You'll also hear things that will make it unable for you to speak and make you start to tear up. What is any relationship without honesty, though?

Another 8 weeks to go until holidays and reunions! 

Liefs, x.

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