Bucketlist turned "fuck-it-list"

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

A Dutch page which I've been following for a few years posted this today: the "fuck-it-list". It's basically the exact opposite of a bucket list; write down things you don't EVER want to do again!

I've been hit with an annoying stomach bug the last few days, causing me to start thinking negatively again and getting stuck in thought loops. Thankfully a long walk outside, some thinking, writing, and being surrounded with great people helped me get back on track again.

So, the "fuck-it-list". I'm going to make it an actual physical list and I'll keep updating it, but for the heck of it I'll post my top 5 here.

1. Giving up on my ideals or dreams because of someone else's opinion.
Nope! Never doing that again. My intuition has proven this many times by now. Keep doing what I'm doing. If it makes me happy, it makes me happy. If I'm not harming anyone with it, keep going.

2. Getting upset or angry over the past.
The past is exactly that; it has passed. The only thing I'm doing by getting upset about it is wasting valuable energy which I could be using on the present and the future.

3. Measuring my success with others.
Another nope! We are all on our own paths, we are all working towards something WE want for ourselves. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever to lay your path next to someone else's path and count the differences.

4. Judging before knowing.
I'm not proud of it, but I've done the hate-spree thing. "Oh, this person is just AWFUL. LOOK at them!". I am honestly NOT proud of it, and I promise myself that I will never do this again.

5. Staying in an unhappy situation for the sake of others.
It's good to care about others, and it's good to make others feel happy. It's NOT good to do this at the cost of your own happiness or sanity. If you can't take care of yourself, you'll never be able to take care of someone else.

First 5. Done.


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