Productive Laziness

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

We've all been there: exhausted, braindead, unmotivated, restless. So what do we do? We start scrolling. Scrolling mindlessly through our news feed, scrolling through our YouTube subscriptions, scrolling through our Twitter feed. And over time, we become numb. We become numb and fail to realise that while we're doing this, not only does life move on, we're also wasting valuable energy!

Over the course of the last few weeks I've been (lightly) giving myself a smack on the head when I find myself doing the mindless scrolls of endless activity. Instead, I grab my tablet, or a piece of paper, and I draw! I found the 21 Day Art Challenge via a UI artist I got in touch with last month, and it's been very fruitful so far. Not only am I getting better at it, it's helping me in pursuing my goal to become a UI Designer / Artist, and it helps me be more open and less afraid of receiving feedback since I'm forcing myself to share the studies I've been doing.

Of  course there are still days where I find myself feeling completely empty and void of any inspiration. Nothing appears. Nothing at all. It becomes very tempting to grab that little device and start scrolling again, but instead - I'll grab a record, or go for a walk. It's all about forcing yourself to let go of the stupid little habits that creep up on you and make you unhappy over time, even it if feels weird to do so at first.

So, here's some progress of day 1 to day 12. I can say I'm definitely happy in what's happened in spending only 30 minutes to half an hour every day doing this, and looking forward to the results of keeping this up even after 21 days! :)

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