What I'll always have until I don't.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

If it has taught me anything, it is the fact that we can never have it all.
There will always be something that isn't quite there, isn't quite as good as it could be.

But what I'll always have, is my honesty. What I'll always have, is my fear and the will to conquer it.
As I get older, I learn that I become more accepting of myself. The fear is still there, but I've learned to work with it.
It's not going anywhere unless I talk with it.

My problems won't change unless we talk about them. Problems can stop becoming problems if you deal with them. They just become part of a general feeling. Everyone has feelings, everyone has problems. Problems won't go away unless you acknowledge that there is a problem.

Fear is just another feeling. And it's okay to feel fear. It's okay to be scared. Everyone is.
Everyone is just doing the best they can.


Made by Chiara Bautista

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