Hello, Sweden!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday, my third day in Sweden! After around 8 hours of smooth travel (and 18 hours of being awake and active) I arrived at my new home for the coming time: Skövde. (Only recently I found out that this is pronounced as ghuvde.) I am so happy, stoked and excited to be here. Yesterday I met two of my soon-to-be-coworkers when we went out for a drink.

FIRST! Let's take the time to look back on the trip here!

Day 1


On Friday morning, Birk and I got up at around 6.30 AM. I woke up crying, because I was feeling too many things at the same time. Up until the point of getting to the airport I felt a little sick and lightheaded, probably because my brain was doing a great job of making me think about all the things that could go wrong. Luckily, Birk and Anthea were there to help me focus on all the good things: I'm going to fricking SWEDEN! I'm going to do what I LOVE doing! There's nothing to worry about!

Obviously, I'm going to miss my friends and family, but I know that they'll always be there for me just as much as I will always be there for them. It's not goodbye, we're all living our lives and doing what we have to do for our own personal development.

The Flight

Anthea, Birk and I stayed together at the airport for as long as we could. There were happy hugs and happy tears, but the time did come where I REALLY had to go and board the flight. I remember being in line for the security check and realising I only had 30 minutes left to get my flight, which meant:

Achievement unlocked: Run to Gate.

I arrived at the gate and still saw a long line. No problem at all! I started to feel more relaxed and got in line. Something felt off though... Looking at the screen I then realised that my flight was changed to a different gate, which meant:

Achievement unlocked: Run to correct Gate.

Still, I was very lucky! A long line awaited me and I was on time for the flight. The rest of the trip was super smooth. I flew to Oslo first where I had to change flights to Gotenborg. From Gotenborg I took a train to Skövde and then crashed on the couch because my awesome new housemate Max had already cooked dinner!

After dinner I had a proper after-dinner-crash and pretty much fell asleep around 9.30 PM.

Day 2

The numbers!

First off, I have to get used to paying with Swedish Crowns. The abbreviation for the Swedish Crown is CR (KR), it feels like I'm paying with credits and not with money. 


1 Swedish Crown is close to 10 Eurocents. The numbers here are SO BIG that it feels like it doesn't mean anything. My trainticket from Goteborg to Skövde was 210. That's around 21 euro, but looking at "210" just doesn't signal anything in my brain.


We had a little roadtrip to Jönköping to go to IKEA. I can now confirm that IKEA in Sweden is the exact same as any other IKEA I've been to so far. Also, the hotdogs are just as dissapointing as the ones in the Netherlands. :( 

A completely different thing I had a good giggle over is how cake is spelled in Sweden:


After the IKEA trip, I settled in and made sure my room really felt like home. Which it does now. Yay.

In the evening Max and I went for a drink with Daniel and Daniel from the studio. We were shown around the studio and where we will be working (SO EXCITED!). 

Day 3

Today is devoted to relaxing and being lazy, to recover from the nasty cold that I have (sneezing all over plus I can hear my own heartbeat in my right ear. uwot?)

Back to drinking tea!

Liefs, x

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