Cliché number one: My first blog entry.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Cliché number two: Hello world!

For some reason that is still unknown to me, I've always wanted to write a blog. Perhaps I felt inspired today, or perhaps I just did not have anything to do at this particular hour, but today, August 27th 2015, marks the day that I write my first blog entry.

Now, what to write about? What it comes down to, is that I want to be a bit more conscious of the life that I'm living. Sometimes I look back and realise that so far, I've always just gone and went with things. In my opinion, it's something that needs changing. There's a lot I can do if I set my mind to it, but most of the times I'm just too afraid to set my mind to it!

This summer has proven a lot to me though. Its proven that I can make the right choices, that I can follow through with my choices, and that my instinct isn't that far off from the truth as I used to think it was.

I'd like to continue making these choices, and continue to feel good about the choices that I make.

So enough blabbering. As you may have noticed, this blog is called "Thursday: Words from the Heart". It's quite soppy, and romantic. But hey, that's what I am! (Was that cliché number three?)

Other than writing about feelings, experiences, and other incredibly interesting things, I'd also like to give poetry a go. I used to write a lot, but I kind of just stopped. Change number one: Start writing again! (It's actually not number one, there's been many this summer. As this is the first blog entry though, we've got to start somewhere. Right?)

Entry number one:

It was like addiction.
I needed a fix.

It's still like addiction.
I don't think I am fixed.

Someday I might be.

Someday I might.
Look back.
Look away.

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